하단에 Start 버튼을 누르면 자동으로 인터넷 업로드, 다운로드 속도 및, 지연시간, ping 속도까지 모두 체크합니다.
Privacy Policy
This HTML5 Speedtest server is configured with telemetry enabled.
What data we collect
At the end of the test, the following data is collected and stored:
- Test ID
- Time of testing
- Test results (download and upload speed, ping and jitter)
- User agent and browser locale
- Test log (contains no personal information)
How we use the data
Data collected through this service is used to:
- Allow sharing of test results (sharable image for forums, etc.)
- To improve the service offered to you (for instance, to detect problems on our side)
No personal information is disclosed to third parties.
Your consent
By starting the test, you consent to the terms of this privacy policy.
Data removal
If you want to have your information deleted, you need to provide either the ID of the test or your IP address. This is the only way to identify your data, without this information we won't be able to comply with your request.
Contact this email address for all deletion requests: .